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Article: YOKKAO 15 Double Interview: Totty vs McCormick

YOKKAO 15 Double Interview: Totty vs McCormick

YOKKAO 15 Double Interview: Totty vs McCormick

Another brilliant match up announced this week for YOKKAO 15: Brian Totty vs Tommi McCormick. This is the first of the 2 fighters 1 interview style interview. We asked both fighters the same questions to get an idea as to what is in their head on the run up to October 10th:

Dom: Who helps you both mentally and physically prepare for a fight?

Brian: I've got a great team around me at the Griphouse that helps keep me prepared for my fights.

Tommi: I currently do most of my training at the BodyFlo gym in Sheffield with my trainer Daniel Hudson, here I mainly concentrate on my Muay Thai training i.e. pads, sparing and technical work. I also train with Nathan Cockcroft and Ric Moylan in Manchester who look after my Strength and Conditioning, flexibility, monitoring and nutrition. Finally, I train with DMSF (Diane Modahl Sports Foundation) also in Manchester who help me with all my running and track programs. I am very lucky to be able to work with some of the best guys in their respective fields which plays a vital part in getting me into fighting shape physically and mentally.

Dom: What makes this fight different from other bouts you have had?

Brian: I feel its a chance to prove that I deserve to be fighting on shows like YOKKAO and make up for a few poor performances that I've had in the past.

Tommi: I wouldn’t say this fight is any different; I always train and prepare for every fight with the same attitude whoever the opponent is. I want to win, so I train to win. Dom: Why do you keep coming back to fighting?

Brian: I love to fight. It's pretty much all I'm actually good at and it gives me a focus in life.

Tommi: I’ve been doing Muay Thai since I was 5 years old so really it’s in my blood. It’s all I’ve known really, the buzz of being in the ring and entertaining the crowd is what draws me back. Dom: Where do you pull your inspiration/motivation from?

Brian: I'm not to sure, I just thought I was crazy ha ha.

Tommi: My motivation comes from within I think, putting yourself through the “hell” of training camp and dieting you need a lot of self-motivation, but it is all worth when you step in the ring. I also surround myself people that can push me to the max when I need a helping hand. Dom: When you are in the ring and all the preparation is done, what sort of challenges do you have to overcome to make sure you get the win?

Brian: You need to be prepared for anything and everything in a fight and have an answer to any situation that you may find yourself and having a corner you can trust to tell you what you need to hear not necessarily what you want to hear I find a great help and can give you that extra kick up the arse you sometimes need.

Tommi: Nothing really, when I’m in the ring I feel comfortable and relaxed, I try to enjoy as much of the atmosphere as possible, being tense and anxious just wastes energy. I go into the ring thinking I’ve put some much of my life into the training camp, being mentally and physically fit that the actual fight is my opportunity to enjoy myself.

Dom: YOKKAO is great exposure for you as a fighter, how does that make you feel?

Brian: It's an amazing feeling it's a chance to really help showcase what I am capable of doing.

Tommi: Exposure is what Muay Thai needs as a whole to continue to grow, so the fact that YOKKAO is putting on massive global events with the best fighters in the world is only doing good for the sport. To be given the platform to reach international audiences on such a professional show is an opportunity that you cannot refuse!

Dom: Do you have anything to say to your upcoming opponent?

Brian: Looking forward to a great fight!

Tommi: Expect the unexpected! Both fighters sounding very ready to throw down on 10th October.

A night that history is bound to be rewritten. You can catch Brian Totty in action on YOKKAO 10 here:

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